TED Talks collection

The TED Talks is a wonderful platform to share all kinds of ideas in front of a present audience, and with the global audience via the Internet. I have been watching many TED Talks since a few years and would like to share several talks on my website that have impressed me, or influenced me in some ways.

This is the first entry in this TED Talks category. I’ll embed the videos in my blog post, but you should really watch them on TED.com itself, where you can see more related videos. To do so, you can click on the red TED logo to open the video on the TED.com site, or just click on the link in the heading. I’ll choose English as the default subtitles language in my posts, but you are able to choose another language if you wish. For my Japanese friends, I have added Japanese links which point to the Japanese TED.com pages.

Let me start with a list of five talks that have been amazing, on vastly different themes and topics: leadership, diversity, religion, education and justice.

Simon Sinek – How great leaders inspire action


This talk is about the characteristics of great leaders, and how they persuade people to believe them and follow them. The difference between working for a belief, and working for a paycheck. You should also check out his other TED talks, and look him up on Google.

Simon Sinek teaches leaders and organizations how to inspire people. He is the author of three best-selling books: Start With Why, Leaders Eat Last, and Together is Better.

Andrew Solomon – Love, no matter what


In this talk he eloquently discusses about human differences and diversity, how something that was an “illness” forty years ago, has become an “identity” since a decade. One of my favourite speakers.

Andrew Solomon has written for the New York Times, won several awards for his books, and has been a Pulitzer Prize finalist. The Noonday Demon, and Far from the Tree are two of his bestsellers. He is a professor of Clinical Psychology at the Columbia University Medical Center.

Karima Bennoune – When people of Muslim heritage challenge fundamentalism


This talk is about the side of fundamentalist terrorism that Muslim people face within their own communities. These are the events that we in the Western world, never read about in major media outlets, because they are not directly affecting the Western society. This talk made me realize how powerful the media outlets really are in forming our opinions on this threat: opinions that are totally biased into a “us versus them” mindset. Fundamentalism is really a global issue, an issue irrespective of what religion it is based on.

Karima Bennoune grew up in Algeria and the United States, and is a professor of International Law at the University of California. In 2013, she published her book Your Fatwa Does Not Apply Here, which won the Dayton Literary Peace Prize for non-fiction in 2014.

Ken Robinson – Do schools kill creativity?


He discusses how the current education system undermines creativity in children, and challenges the idea that we should change it to make the best use of human capacity. In this talk, he shows that human capacity is not only language, science, but also art and expression.

Sir Ken Robinson is an expert on education, creativity and innovation, and his talks are full of wit. He is a Professor Emeritus of Arts Education at the University of Warwick.

Kimberley Motley – How I defend the rule of law


In this impressive talk, Kimberley Motley of African-American and Korean descent, shares how she used the laws in patriarchal Afghanistan to protect a six-year old Afghan girl.

Kimberley Motley is known for being the first non-Afghan attorney to litigate in Afghanistan since 2008. A very inspiring, hard-working woman who, despite being a female foreigner, worked the ways of the Afghan law system.

What are your thoughts?