Category Archives: TED Talks

TED Talks collection

The TED Talks is a wonderful platform to share all kinds of ideas in front of a present audience, and with the global audience via the Internet. I have been watching many TED Talks since a few years and would like to share several talks on my website that have impressed me, or influenced me in some ways.

This is the first entry in this TED Talks category. I’ll embed the videos in my blog post, but you should really watch them on itself, where you can see more related videos. To do so, you can click on the red TED logo to open the video on the site, or just click on the link in the heading. I’ll choose English as the default subtitles language in my posts, but you are able to choose another language if you wish. For my Japanese friends, I have added Japanese links which point to the Japanese pages.

Let me start with a list of five talks that have been amazing, on vastly different themes and topics: leadership, diversity, religion, education and justice.
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